Globalization and technological changes present enormous challenges for the law. The Institute for Legal Informatics analyzes legal issues of information technology and educates jurists to successfully handle these challenges on the national and international level.

Focus of the Program

In the »IT-Law in Research and Practice« program, the employees of the institute have the chance to gain practical experience in IT-Law in an international company while working on their doctoral thesis. The goal is to give the employees the chance to collect practical knowledge in IT-Law in matter of international economic integration, while expanding their competences gained in academic research.

The traineeship will usually take among one and three months, but the duration as well as the concrete involved tasks are determined individually between the employee and the partner company.

Cooperation Partners

The program starts at 1st of June 2015 and is supported by cooperating companies. We are proud to announce SAP as our first cooperation partner.

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